Theory of change in action 1

Theories of change


Here are two theories of change that show how some of my early campaigns took off to build momentum leading to policy and practice change:


(1) Campaign by Oxfam to abolish the use of supermarket vouchers to support asylum seekers and to re-introduce support in the form of cash (2000-1)

Issue press statement in opposition to vouchers with partners

So that

We establish our concern and intent

So that

We can launch a campaign action with Refugee Council targeted at supermarkets to show customer opposition to this scheme

So that

We seek support of leading trade union leader Bill Morris of the TGWU (now UNITE) to use his quote on our postcard

So that

We can distribute cards across the country to get campaign going

So that

We develop a dossier of disgrace to show humanitarian impact of the voucher scheme across the country

So that

We work with the TGWU on a fringe meeting at TUC conference and on a conference motion condemning the voucher scheme

So that

We build momentum at Labour conference for a motion against the voucher scheme

So that

We utilise success of getting a review of the voucher scheme to commission own research into the voucher scheme

So that

We launch our report – Token Gestures in Parliament

So that

We launch our new campaign action based on research findings targeting MPs

So that

We work with the British Medical Association on promoting the health impact of vouchers

So that

We work with the Body Shop to develop a campaign in some of their shops (and in some Oxfam shops too)

So that

We work with Bill Morris to promote the need for change in the media

So that

We encourage support for motion against vouchers at Labour conference

So that

The voucher scheme is scrapped and cash support re-introduced